Deployment example:
OpenSSO updat1 patch 3 server on machine
Glassfish 3.0 J2EE Policy Agent on machine
Step-1: Install OpenSSO server. Configure agent profile, policies.
Step-2: Install J2EE Policy Agent 3.0
Step-3: In container hosting agent, deploy mini agent sample application from
Step-4: In container hosting agent, deploy agentapp.war This is not installed by default. It is available in the following location:
Step-5: Configure agent profile for 3 properties mentioned in the link:
In my sample, the values are (Agent Profile -> SSO tab):
a) Enabled "Cross Domain SSO" checkbox
b) CDSSO Servlet URL:
c) CDSSO Domain List:
Step-6: Set property "CDSSO Clock Skew" if you have not synchronized time between two machines hosting OpenSSO and agent.
Step-7: Add agent machine domain name to Realm/DNS Aliases
Step-8: Restart both containers hosting OpenSSO and glassfish server.
Trouble shooting tips:
1. Do not add /agentapp/sunwCDSSORedirectURI to not-enforced-list. This has been discussed some places in a google search.
Related docs:
CDSSO Config
CDSSO Block Diagram
Mini agent sample deployment
Binary Search Tree
9 years ago