This example uses:
Active Directory on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Service Pack 2
AD Domain name : SUST.IDM.COM
Windows Server machine name: parrot
IE Version : 7.0.5730.13
OpenSSO update-1 Patch-2
OpenSSO host name :
Step-1: Active Directory Configuration:
1. Login as administrator to the Windows Server.
2. Open "Manage Your Server" wizard
(Start Menu -> Administrative tools -> Manager Your Server)
3. Choose "Add or remove a role" option
4. Navigate to next screen "Configure Your Server Wizard".
(In the navigation process, if you run into any network connection warnings,
click continue and go ahead")
5. Choose "Domain Controller (Active Directory)" option
6. In the new wizard that pops up, choose default values.
7. Continue navigating. When you get a screen to enter Domain name, enter
SUST.IDM.COM - all capital letters. NetBIOS name as SUST (default value).
8. Navigate till you get an error for DNS.
Accept "Install and configure DNS on this server" option.
9. Complete installation process, restart the machine.
10. Login to the new domain just created SUST as Administrator
Step-2: Create user account for OpenSSO server in AD
1. Open "Manage Your Server" wizard.
2. Choose "Manage users and computers in Active Directory" option under Domain Controller role.
3. Go to "Users" menu under SUST.IDM.COM domain
4. Create a new user object with first name, last name, full name, logon name as: avatar
This is the name of the opensso host name so that you can easily remember.The default
password policy in Windows enforces atleast one capital letter and atleast one number. So
choose Password123 for simplicity.
NOTE: Do not have spaces in "Full Name" or logon name.
Else you will get DnsCrack error in the next configuration steps.
5. Open command prompt
6. CD to the directory where you want to have keytab file.
7. Run the following ktpass command:
C:\userData\lakshman>ktpass /princ HTTP/ /pass Password123 +DesOnly /crypto DES-CBC-CRC /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /mapuser avatar /out avatar.HTTP.keytab
Expected output in command prompt:
Targeting domain controller: parrot.SUST.IDM.COM
Successfully mapped HTTP/ to avatar.
Key created.
Output keytab to avatar.HTTP.keytab:
Keytab version: 0x502
keysize 67 HTTP/ ptype 1 (KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL)
vno 3 etype 0x1 (DES-CBC-CRC) keylength 8 (0x98628cd615045bc8)
Account avatar has been set for DES-only encryption.
8. ftp (in binary format) this keytab (avatar.HTTP.keytab) file to OpenSSO machine. In this example, ftp to the machine to the directory: /work/installations/opensso/patch/ad/
Step-3: Validate keytab file on OpenSSO host name
bash-3.00# klist -ek -t avatar.HTTP.keytab
Expected output in bash shell is:
Keytab name: FILE:avatar.HTTP.keytab
KVNO Timestamp Principal
---- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
3 12/31/69 16:00:00 HTTP/ (DES cbc mode with CRC-32)
In "Active Directory Users and Computer" wizard on Windows Server 2003 machine, open user profile for avatar. Click on Account sub tab. Check that the value of field "User logon name as:
Step-4: Configure windows desktop SSO module in OpenSSO
1. Create a new authentication module - winsso. The parameters are:
Service Principal: HTTP/
Keytab File Name: /work/installations/opensso/patch/ad/avatar.HTTP.keytab
Kerberos Realm: SUST.IDM.COM
Kerberos Server Name:
Return Principal with Domain Name: Disable check box
Authentication Level: 0
Step-6: Create Administrator profile in OpenSSO
1. Create a profile for Administrator in OpenSSO under Realm -> Subjects
For simplicity fill all name fields as Administrator and a password of your choice.
Step-7: Synchronize time & Restart
1. Synchronize time on both Windows Server 2003 machine and OpenSSO host name.
Seconds difference is acceptable in the synch process.
2. Restart container hosting OpenSSO war application - I mean OpenSSO server.
Step-8: Configure browser on Windows Server 2003 machine
1. This test scenario will use browser on Windows Server 2003 Domain Controller to test Windows Desktop SSO feature.
2. IE Browser (above 6.0 version):
a. Go to: Tools Menu -> Internet Options -> Security
b. Choose Local Intranet.
c. Click on Sites
d. Add OpenSSO machine name URL to the list. In this example
3. Mozilla Firefox:
a. Open browser, enter about:config
b. Accept warnings, promises.
c. Double click the Preference Name network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris.
d. In the values text box that pops up, enter http://,https://
Step-9: Testing
1. Login as Administrator to SUST.IDM.COM domain on Windows Server 2003 machine.
2. Open IE browser. Enter
3. You should see end user profile page for administrator in OpenSSO
4. Repeat test with Mozilla firefox and verify.
Expected OpenSSO debug file output:
The debug file Authentication on OpenSSO should have the following snippet in "message" mode.
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:351 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
New Service Login ...
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:423 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
Service login succeeded.
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:430 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
SPNEGO token:
60 82 04 f1 06 06 2b 06 01 05 05 02 a0 82 04 e5
30 82 04 e1 a0 24 30 22 06 09 2a 86 48 82 f7 12
01 02 02 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02 06 0a
2b 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0a a2 82 04 b7 04 82
d0 f1 bc e3 fc d0 2c 7a 59 a3 c8 2a 35 cc 71 f6
d9 cd e6 c0 2e bb 7e 37 c9 6e fd 1a bc 14 82 7e
fe a0 29 3b a7
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:431 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
token tag:60
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:431 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
SPNEGO OID found in the Auth Token
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:431 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
DerValue: found init token
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:431 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
DerValue: 0x30 constructed token found
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:435 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
Kerberos token retrieved from SPNEGO token:
60 82 04 af 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02 01
00 6e 82 04 9e 30 82 04 9a a0 03 02 01 05 a1 03
02 01 0e a2 07 03 05 00 20 00 00 00 a3 82 03 c2
bc e3 fc d0 2c 7a 59 a3 c8 2a 35 cc 71 f6 d9 cd
e6 c0 2e bb 7e 37 c9 6e fd 1a bc 14 82 7e fe a0
29 3b a7
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:435 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
In authenticationToken ...
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:452 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
Context created.
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:489 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
Token returned from acceptSecContext:
60 68 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02 02 00 6f
59 30 57 a0 03 02 01 05 a1 03 02 01 0f a2 4b 30
49 a0 03 02 01 03 a2 42 04 40 04 60 a6 63 ef 08
b8 98 b6 69 f6 8a c5 7a 14 af b6 c3 03 1f 92 96
26 84 28 03 5e f8 6d 13 30 1b a4 d3 8d 17 4d 55
23 eb eb 8d c8 2e 56 46 a9 d2 a1 4f ec 10 3c 59
4b e9 34 15 ea 18 6a 40 68 7e
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:489 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
Context establised !
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:490 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
User authenticated: Administrator@SUST.IDM.COM
amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO:03/24/2010 04:15:20:493 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
WindowsDesktopSSO authentication succeeded.
amLoginModule:03/24/2010 04:15:20:493 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
Login NEXT State : -1
amLoginModule:03/24/2010 04:15:20:493 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
amLoginModule:03/24/2010 04:15:20:493 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
SETTING Module name.... :winsso
amAuth:03/24/2010 04:15:20:493 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
Module name is .. winsso
amAuth:03/24/2010 04:15:20:493 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
successModuleSet is : [winsso]
amJAAS:03/24/2010 04:15:20:493 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
login success
amLoginModule:03/24/2010 04:15:20:494 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
AMLoginModule.commit():Succeed,principal=WindowsDesktopSSOPrincipal: Administrator
amLoginModule:03/24/2010 04:15:20:494 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
Done added user to principal
amJAAS:03/24/2010 04:15:20:494 PM PDT: Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]
commit success
Binary Search Tree
9 years ago
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